Innovative Arms, a Silencer manufacturer from South Carolina, has recently announced their new upper receiver called the W.A.R. which stands for Warfighter Adjustable Receiver.  The W.A.R. Upper was designed to address some of the issues that are typically accepted as just part of the game when shooting a suppressed weapon.  The W.A.R. is the first receiver ever that allows you to switch between Suppressed and Un-Suppressed modes at the receiver instead of using the adjustable gas blocks.  

Their are some obvious benefits of using this system.  One being that it dramatically reduces the gas blow back to your face.  You are also no longer required to mess with a hot gas block to switch over. By not using an adjustable gas block, this system also allows you to use whatever combination of Rail System, Low Profile Gas Block, Front Sight Post, etc that best works for you.  With the W.A.R. Upper your suppressed weapon will run quieter, cleaner and will not experience all of the wear and tear that is associated with shooting a suppressed weapon.  Check out the rest of the information below.

Innovative Arms W.A.R. (Warfighter Adjustable Receiver).

Turning to the suppressed mode from unsuppressed, you will immediately feel your rifle shooting smoother. The “blow back” in your face is almost non existent. No more burning eyes and choking gas. Your weapon has now become an average of 2 -2.5 DB quieter at the shooters ear with Innovative Arms silencers or other quality silencer brands. Your weapon will not only be shooting quieter, but also cleaner. With less fouling and heat, the accelerated wear and tear that was once a standard issue is now a non-issue, giving your suppressed black rifle the longevity it deserves.

Innovative Arms W.A.R. offers the shooter two firing modes with the quick flip of the upper receiver mounted lever which are orientated 90 degrees to one another.

Mode #1 – Unsuppressed: In unsuppressed mode the rifle is intended to be fired without the use of a suppressor (lever is horizontal).

Mode #2 – Suppressed: In the suppressed mode the rifle is intended to be fired with a quality 5.56mm specific suppressor. (lever is vertical)

The W.A.R. does not have an “OFF” detent.  By not fully engaging in either of the two settings the rifle may fire only one single round and will require the user to manually charge the firearm for each round fired.

*W.A.R. upper receiver includes proprietary carbine gas tube.

The W.A.R. is designed to be fired with quality 5.56x45mm ammunition only.

At $265 the W.A.R. Upper costs about twice as much as a decent standard 5.56 upper receiver but gives you much more flexibility than using an adjustable gas block.  You can purchase the Innovative Arms W.A.R. Upper from their authorized dealer – Palmetto State Armory.