I just got off the phone with my friend Ken Montes at Phase 5 Tactical discussing their just announced AR-15 CQC Pistols. The features and price-point on these totally blew me away. They are going to be offering three different models, the Standard, the Upgradeable (name may change) and the Limited. I’ve always been a huge fan of the AR-15 pistol and think Phase 5 Tactical really hit a home-run with these. And to top it all off they are Made in the U.S.A. at Phase 5 Tactical’s manufacturing facility in California with 100% American parts! Check out the information below and then head on over to Phase5Tactical.com to order one for yourself!
The Standard CQC Pistol will be very well equipped even though it is their entry level model. Basic features include a Black Anodized finish (not painted or coated) 7.5″ barrel, 7″ Freefloat Rail System, flattop upper, Anti-walk pins, Forward Assist, Dust Cover and an A2 flash hider. At only $996 this is an absolute steal. With the Standard there really are only 3 items you can have them upgrade at their facility for you which are shown in the picture below. For an additional $129.99 you can have them install the Phase 5 Tactical Winter Trigger Guard, EBRv2 (Extended Bolt Release version 2) and their new REVO SAS (REVOlving Sling Attachment System).
The “Upgradeable” version will be very similar in looks to the Standard but you can totally custom order any part. So if you want a different grip, rail system, flash hider, backup sights, etc. you can specify that product, they’ll get the part and have it installed before it ever leaves their facility, obviously for an additional cost.
The Limited CQC Pistol (my personal favorite) is going to have a Battle Green Anodized finish and come totally decked out. It will have the same basic features as the Standard but will also include the Phase 5 Tactical MB-5sp muzzle brake, Ambi-Battle Latch, REVO SAS, Winter Trigger Guard, EBRv2, Flip Up Back Up Sights and a Low Profile Flattop Upper. You can also purchase a matching Single Point Sling available only for this model. Now you are probably thinking this thing is going to be over $2,000. Right? Nope! Hows $1,586 sound? You took the words right out of my mouth…….AWESOME is right!!
Be sure to check out these amazing AR-15 CQC Pistols and many other products at Phase5Tactical.com! Also be sure to “Like” them on Facebook!