One of the best choices I made when selecting components for my AR15NEWS 300 AAC Blackout Build was choosing the HSP THORNTAIL light mount. The HSP THORNTAIL is an offset light mount that attaches to any 1913 picatiny rail and puts the light out in front of the handguard towards the muzzle to give the user more area to either use as a grip or to mount other needed accessories to. Its become increasingly popular to run longer rail systems or handguards that run almost almost all the way out to the end of the AR15 barrel. When using the THORNTAIL this can put the light right in the muzzle blast and in some cases even out past the muzzle itself. This is also the case when using the THORNTAIL on an SBR (Short Barreled Rifle). Impact Weapons Components and Haley Strategic Partners redesigned a new version of the THORNTAIL to accommodate these users by simply shortening the length of the extending arm of the mount. I personally can see the benefit of this design as I can not run the standard THORNTAIL on one of my rifles because it has a 15″ rail on a 16″ barrel. Check out the pics and details below!
HSP’s new THORNTAIL SBR made by Impact Weapons Components provides another mounting solution for those who have less distance between front of rail and muzzle yet want to maintain advantages of forward light placement for use with modern weapons manipulation. Offset design places light close to bore, replacing factory mounts, saving weight, eliminating complexity and failure points.
The new HSP THORNTAIL SBR should be available for purchase at $70 online very soon from and