Over the past few years I’ve become a big fan of the guys over at Phase 5 Tactical. They make some awesome products and just announced a new product called T.A.A.P.S. which stands for Tactical Add A Patch System. The T.A.A.P.S. was developed in conjunction with a friend of mine, Steve Aryan, who is the Director of Training at the United States Shooting Academy. The patent pending design of the T.A.A.P.S. allows the user to attach Velcro faced panel anywhere they want as long as it can be attached to either MOLLE or ALICE retention systems. Lots of Chest Rigs and Plate Carriers come with Velcro sections but depending on other gear and general setup those sections can sometimes be ineffective. By using this modular system you can just move the ID Patch / Badge where ever its best suited on the Chest Rig/Plate Carrier and can also be added to the front of mag pouches. Looks like another great AMERICAN MADE product from Phase 5 Tactical. Read below for more information and pics.
Phase 5 Weapon Systems Inc.™ Proudly introduces T.A.A.P.S.™ (Tactical -Add-A-Patch-System). Working together with Steve Aryan, along with feedback from soldiers, police officers and operators who are currently fighting our nations battles, we set out to create the perfect modular patch system.
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The T.A.A.P.S.™ system grants the operator the option of moving badges, IR Flags, squad logos and other critical identifying patches anywhere on their gear that is equipped with MOLLE or ALICE retention systems. The T.A.A.P.S.™ is also used to add a police badge to a duty belt, ballistics vest or pistol drop-leg-panel for quick ID of the team member! T.A.A.P.S.™ also aids in identifying vehicles for a specific duty or squad such as SWAT or other department divisions. T.A.A.P.S.™ is a detachable, reloadable and extremely versatile Patch/Badge attachment system. The Patent Pending Phase 5 Tactical™ T.A.A.P.S™ line of products is quickly becoming the choice of Law Enforcement Officers, Private Contractors and Professional shooters as the most reliable and most effective way to place critical ID Patches exactly where they are needed!
The Velcro model will run you $8 each and the Snaps model is just $2 more. Tan and Multicam pics will be coming soon. I’ll update you when those are available. You can purchase both models of the T.A.A.P.S. at Phase5Tactical.com.