I’ve been wanting to tell you guys about this cool new “MIAD Mix-up” thing that War Sport Industries has been doing but it seems like there’s always some time sensitive article that needs to be written right away. Well, now I have the time so I am going to tell you all about it. As you may already know, one of the most popular grips for the AR-15 is the Magpul MIAD (MIssion ADaptable grip). There are many reasons for this but the main reasons are: it comes pre-textured (almost like stippling), it offers multiple great storage options including the Bolt & Firing Pin Core, it comes in all of the popular colors and last but not least it is very customizable in that you can change the front and rear straps to accommodate their hand size. When the MIAD grip kits came out you started seeing people buying two of them in different colors and interchanging the straps to make the grips look even cooler. The issue with that was you had to buy two grips for $36 each which can make for an expensive grip if you only needed one and that is what turned many people off from doing that. Well, the price is no longer an issue! Check out the info and pics to below.
War Sport Industries has a new service called “MIAD Mix-up” where they will let you pick any two colors you want to mix and match, assemble it for you and send it to you ready to go. You can choose from Black, Flat Dark Earth, OD Green and Foliage. First you decide what color you want the core of the grip to be and then what color straps you want. Its that easy. Whats even cooler is that the price is still just the standard $36. If you’re looking for a great new grip for you rifle but don’t want to settle for the same grip your buddy has, this is definitely something to take a look at. Check out the pics and details below then head on over and get one for yourself….and me if you’re feeling generous.
MIAD “Mix-up”
Choose your color combo and only pay for one MIAD Basic Grip Kit!
In the drop down Color selection the “First” color is the Primary Grip color.
Example: Black/OD would be Black grip with OD backstraps and frontstraps.
[combogallery id=’68’]
You can purchase your very own “MIAD Mix-up” grip kit from WarSport-US.net.
Don’t forget to check out War Sport Industries on Facebook as well to keep up with all of the awesome builds and testing they do.