Mar 11, 2012 | $551 - $600, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Spike's Tactical, Upper Receivers
Spike’s Tactical 16″ Mid-Length GMP Dissapator style .223/5.56×45 caliber Complete Upper Receiver assembly for AR15/M16 type Rifles. This is a COMPLETE Upper receiver assembly, everything except a rear sight, and includes Spike’s Tactical...
Jan 14, 2012 | $451 - $500, $501 - $550, $551 - $600, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, CORE 15, News, Press Release!!, Recoil Reduction, Upper Receivers
CORE 15 Rifle Systems just released 3 new dedicated .22LR Complete Uppers. I’ve always wanted to have one of these for my AR-15. Not only is it a cheap/fun way to just go plinking around at the range or in the back yard but its also an inexpensive way to...
Dec 3, 2011 | **On A Budget!**, $551 - $600, American Made, Lower Receivers, New Rifles, News, Palmetto State Armory, Press Release!!, PSA Complete Upper!!, Upper Receivers
If you missed out on it last time you’ve got another chance to get a great deal on a complete AR from Palmetto State Armory. This is just too good to pass up! Typically if you want an AR-15 for under $700-800 you have to either piece one together yourself or...
Nov 2, 2011 | **On A Budget!**, $451 - $500, $551 - $600, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Lower Receivers, New Rifles, News, Palmetto State Armory, Press Release!!, PSA Complete Upper!!, Upper Receivers
I’m going to go out on a limb here and say that a good majority of you probably have at least one stripped AR-15 lower receiver laying around the house somewhere. Whether it’s was a deal you just couldn’t pass up or one you bought because you knew...
Aug 14, 2011 | $551 - $600, American Made, Palmetto State Armory, PSA Complete Upper!!, Upper Receivers
The other day I was thinking that I would like a complete upper that is dedicated to more long range shooting. Just remove my 16″ upper and replace it with a 20″ upper. It’s been a while since I posted about a new deal from Palmetto State Armory...
Jul 21, 2011 | $551 - $600, Aimpoint, Deals, GG&G, Mounts, Sights / Optics
This is a fantastic deal for anyone looking for a new Aimpoint H-1 and a quick detach mount to go with it. Right now GG&G has a limited number of Aimpoint H-1’s available, 10 to be exact, that have been fitted with their Accucam QD Mount which is the only...