Mar 5, 2012 | $101 - $150, $201 - $250, American Made, Gun Cases, LaRue Tactical, Shooting Gear, Sneak Peek, Sniper
I’ve been a fan of the LaRue Tactical gun cases (and their rifles of course) for some time now. They have quite a few different options to choose from and are more affordable than you’d think. I’ve listed my two favorites below for you to check...
Apr 8, 2011 | $351 - $400, Buttstock, Command Arms Accessories (CAA), EMA Tactical, Fine Tuning, Sling Attachments, Sniper
CAA / EMA Tactical Multi Position Sniper Stock The result of years of research & development. This sniper stock is ideally suited to meet the demands of the precision marksman community. Proven to provide rapid target acquisition, faster & more accurate follow...