Jul 6, 2012 | Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, CQB Flashlight, Elzetta, News, Tactical Flashlight
One of the things I love most about the AR-15 is that its pretty rare to see that someone else built one exactly the same way I did. There’s always something different, maybe the color, maybe the grip or the stock, etc. That’s typically not the case when...
Dec 23, 2011 | Accessories, American Made, Centurion Arms, CHRISTmas 2011, Daniel Defense, Deals, Elzetta, Mega Arms / Mega Machine, News, Press Release!!, Ranier Arms
Here is a great list of items that are on sale right now at Rainier Arms including a MEGA Arms Billet Lower Receiver, Rainier Arms Select .308 Barrel, Centurion Arms C4 Rail System, Elzetta ZFL-M60 Weapon Light and much more. Lets see….I think I’ll take...
Dec 13, 2011 | Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, CQB Flashlight, Elzetta, Sneak Peek, Tactical Flashlight
Elzetta Design is quickly becoming known for making some of the best multipurpose lights in the industry. Not only are they pretty much indestructible (see torture videos below! 🙂 ) but they are also made right here in the USA in Lexington, KY. The Elzetta lights...