Jul 12, 2012 | American Made, Gerber Military Gear, Product Review, Tactical Knives
A while back…well actually a long while back, like almost a year ago long, I was asked by Gerber Military to do a review on their DMF (Dual Multi Function) Automatic folder. It came as a pleasant surprise to me as I was planning on purchasing a new knife and...
Jan 12, 2012 | $1 - $100, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Gerber Military Gear, Maintenance/Cleaning Tool, News, Press Release!!, SHOT Show 2012, Sneak Peek, Tools
Here’s a quick look at the updated version of the current Gerber Military MP600 multi tool that Gerber Military will be showing at SHOT Show. Looks like a really nice tool with tons of features. The main updated feature of the new MP600 ST is the addition of a...
Sep 4, 2011 | $201 - $250, American Made, Gerber Military Gear, Product Review, Rescue Knives, Tactical Gear, Tactical Knives
The Gerber SAH (Safety Auto Hook) is Gerber’s answer to the call of many active Military, LEO and EMT personnel to have an extremely high quality Tactical Knife with a fast acting built-in safety hook that is not integrated into the actual blade of the knife. A...