Jun 11, 2012 | Accessories - NEW!!, Ambidextrous Stuff, Light Mounts, Lightweight Upgrades, Mounts, Rail Attachments
Its very unusual in this day and age to see a manufacturer put out a product that is purposely designed to help you spend less money instead of buying more of their products. A while back I was asked by Impact Weapons Components to review their new Radial Universal...
May 29, 2012 | $1 - $100, Accessories - NEW!!, Ambidextrous Stuff, American Made, CQB Flashlight, Impact Weapons Components (IWC), Light Mounts, Lightweight Upgrades, Mounts, News, Rail Attachments, SBR
One of the best choices I made when selecting components for my AR15NEWS 300 AAC Blackout Build was choosing the HSP THORNTAIL light mount. The HSP THORNTAIL is an offset light mount that attaches to any 1913 picatiny rail and puts the light out in front of the...
May 14, 2012 | Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Impact Weapons Components (IWC), Light Mounts, Lightweight Upgrades, Mounts, News, Rail Attachments, Tactical Flashlight
One of my favorite light mounts is the HSP THORNTAIL Adaptive Light Mount which is made by Impact Weapons Components. The THORNTAIL extends the light out beyond the end of the rail allowing for more realestate for your hands. The first version uses different size...