Dec 23, 2011 | Accessories, American Made, Centurion Arms, CHRISTmas 2011, Daniel Defense, Deals, Elzetta, Mega Arms / Mega Machine, News, Press Release!!, Ranier Arms
Here is a great list of items that are on sale right now at Rainier Arms including a MEGA Arms Billet Lower Receiver, Rainier Arms Select .308 Barrel, Centurion Arms C4 Rail System, Elzetta ZFL-M60 Weapon Light and much more. Lets see….I think I’ll take...
Apr 17, 2011 | $201 - $250, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Daniel Defense, Rail Attachments, Rail System
The Daniel Defense MFR 12.0 is a 12″ CNC Machined Modular Free Float Handguard. It is specifically designed to adequately cover a low profile gas block on a carbine or mid-length gas system barrel. The MFR 12.0 has been engineered to provide each shooter with...