Mar 23, 2012 | $1 - $100, Accessories - NEW!!, Ambidextrous Stuff, American Made, Charging Handle, News, Press Release!!, Ranier Arms, Sneak Peek
A few weeks ago Rainier Arms let slip that they will be coming out with an awesome new product but wouldn’t tell anyone what it was. We finally know it was well worth the wait. The new Rainier Arms Ambi Charging Handle is going to be totally awesome. They...
Feb 27, 2012 | 300 AAC Blackout (7.62×35mm), AR15News 300 Blackout Build, Gas Block, Midwest Industries, News, Rail System, Ranier Arms, Samson Mfg, Upper Receivers
The parts for our AR15News 300 Blackout Upper build have pretty much all finally arrived. I’m getting really excited to get this assembled and shoot it. So far we’ve shown you the barrel that we’ll be using and also some smaller but important...
Jan 18, 2012 | **On A Budget!**, A Breon Custom, American Gunfighters, Battle Arms Development, CORE 15, Facebook Giveaway, GoGun by E-Tac, GoTactical, ITW Military Products, Mission First Tactical, News, Ranier Arms, TacStrike, Tomahawk Tactical
Once again we had a record number of participants. I hope you all enjoyed yourselves and at least learned about some really awesome companies. Speaking of which, we need to say a HUGE “Thank you” to all of our Sponsors. A Breon Custom, American...
Dec 29, 2011 | $101 - $150, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Lightweight Upgrades, News, Ranier Arms, Upper Receivers
After numerous requests from their customers, Rainier Arms has decided to offer a lighter weight version of their Forged Upper Receiver. This new Forged Upper does not feature a Forward Assist which helps cut some weight. I know some of you are going to hate the...
Dec 23, 2011 | Accessories, American Made, Centurion Arms, CHRISTmas 2011, Daniel Defense, Deals, Elzetta, Mega Arms / Mega Machine, News, Press Release!!, Ranier Arms
Here is a great list of items that are on sale right now at Rainier Arms including a MEGA Arms Billet Lower Receiver, Rainier Arms Select .308 Barrel, Centurion Arms C4 Rail System, Elzetta ZFL-M60 Weapon Light and much more. Lets see….I think I’ll take...
Nov 1, 2011 | **On A Budget!**, $201 - $250, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Barrels, News, Press Release!!, Ranier Arms
Looking for a nice barrel upgrade? Rainier Arms offers three different levels of match grade barrels. First is Rainier Select, then Rainier Match and then Rainier UltraMatch. They have added another new barrel to their Rainier Match level which is a 16″ .223...