Oct 21, 2011 | **On A Budget!**, American Made, Battle Arms Development, Facebook Giveaway, GoGun by E-Tac, Magazines, Moral Patches, Muzzle Brake / Flash Hider, Praetor Defense, Protective Eyewear/Goggles, Safety Equipment, Safety Selectors, Slings, Strike Industries, Tactical Gear, Tomahawk Tactical, Trigger Guards, Weapon Outfitters
Well, it’s finally Friday and the end of our latest LARGE Facebook Giveaway. Before we announce all 6 winners, First things first. We need to say a huge “Thank You!” to Battle Arms Development, GoGun USA, Praetor Defense, Strike Industries,...
Oct 13, 2011 | Facebook Giveaway, Strike Industries, Trigger Guards
Earlier today we received our 2,450th “Like” which means we get to announce another trigger guard winner. Can’t say “Thank you” enough to all of you! Without you guys liking our page it would be a pretty boring place. 🙂 We will...
Oct 8, 2011 | **On A Budget!**, $1 - $100, Accessories - NEW!!, News, Press Release!!, Strike Industries, Tactical Gear
Our friends over at Strike Industries make some pretty awesome products for the AR-15 rifle including their Patriot Pistol AR Grips, Vertical Grips and Cobra Series trigger guards. Now they have added a very unique enhancement for your iPhone 4 and 4S too. ...
Oct 4, 2011 | Facebook Giveaway, Strike Industries, Trigger Guards
Sorry for the delay in announcing our latest Facebook fanpage winner! Today we are giving away a Strike Industries Cobra Series trigger guard (our normal prize every 50 “Like”s). When we reach 2,500 we’ll do another bigger giveaway that will include...
Sep 30, 2011 | Facebook Giveaway, Strike Industries, Trigger Guards
Just the other day we were doing our big 2,000 fan giveaway and now we are already doing another one for 2,200. It’s really a neat thing to see more and more of you getting involved on the fan page answering questions, showing off your rifles, etc. As always,...