Its been quite a while since I’ve shared about any Palmetto State Armory products but lately I’ve gotten a ton of messages from people who aren’t interested in building an AR-15 from scratch but don’t want an off the shelf AR either. Instead of doing the typical unhelpful “AR Guy” thing and just say “Build it. Its easy”, I decided to switch it up and help. The popularity of buying complete uppers is really huge right now and many of the people I’ve talked to either don’t have the time/patience to piece together a stripped lower or just feel that they don’t have enough experience with an AR-15 yet to build their own. So here is an option that would help and really isn’t a bad deal when you break it down into individual components.
Palmetto State Armory is offering a completely assembled, ready to go Lower Receiver that includes a Magpul MOE Stock, MOE Grip and MOE Enhanced Trigger Guard. No need to go out and buy a lower parts kit, no deciding if you want a commercial or mil buffer tube, no trying to install the trigger correctly, no trying to figure out which spring goes with what detent, etc. Its all done for you. Check out the details and pics below.
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**Available in Black, Flat Dark Earth, OD Green & Foliage Green**
– Machined from Aluminum Forgings 7075-T6
– Hardcoat Anodizing: MIL-A-8625F, Type III, Class 2
– Milspec Receiver Extension
– Magpul MOE Stock
– Magpul MOE Enhanced Trigger Guard
– Magpul MOE Pistol Grip
– Includes 1 Magpul 30rd P-MAG
– Staked M4 Lock Nut
– USGI H Buffer (1 USGI Tungsten, 2 Steel)
– Un-notched Hammer compatible with 9mm use
– Caliber: Multi
– Price: $299
You can purchase this complete lower online at