Last month TacStrike decided to offer a bundle deal for the first time and it was such a huge hit that they decided to offer a different bundle every month. The April Absurdity Arch Frame Sale is the perfect setup for those of you looking to do outdoor training on a budget. It will be much more affordable but still packed full of awesome goodies including multiple Arch Frames and targets. Check out all of the details and pics below!
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10 – TIMM-1 Multi-Tasker Overlay
10 – Loius Awerbuck YFA Targets
10 – A/B Zone Buff Overlays.
8 – 2″ x 2″ Uprights
4 – Ground Spikes
1 – $50 Gift Certificate off of your next order of $300 or more dollars.
You can order this TacStrike – April Absurdity Arch Frame package online at!