I ran across this last night while surfing the web. FAB Defense, suppliers to the Israeli Police, Military and Special Forces, just introduced a new buttstock that will be available very soon. It’s called the FAB Defense GL-MAG M4 Survival Buttstock. You might be wondering what makes it a “Survival” buttstock. Well, they’ve incorporated an M4 Mag Carrier right into the rear of the buttstock. Its intended for a 10 round mag due to its smaller size and lighter weight when loaded. This is a pretty sweet design concept for the buttstock. When the time comes that you need your gun you never want to run out of ammo and this gives you just one more place to keep some. From what I understand it will also accept 20 and 3o round mags as well but I think the 30 rounders would be a bit to long and would just get in the way. Check out the pics and specs below.
GL-MAG– M4 ‘Survival’ Buttstock w/ ‘Built –in’ Mag Carrier Whether it’s your accuracy or numerous target engagements you can depend on your last ten chances with FAB’S Survival Buttstock w/Built-in 10 round Mag Carrier. The GL-MAG incorporates an inconspicuous/sleek M4 Magazine Carrier.
– Sleek Design with no Protruding Parts, No More Awkward Magazine Pouch Dangling on Your Buttstock, Will Not Get Caught on Gear or Webbing
– Keeps all of the Characteristics of the M4 Buttstock, While Incorporating a State of the Art Magazine Carrier
– Receives all Standard Sized M4 Magazines
– Positioned Close by for Convenient Mag Change , Providing you with that Tactical Edge You Need
– Unique Inversed Positioning Lever Incorporates a Quick Release Button Allowing Swift Clip Release
– Does Not Interfere or Change ’ Buttstock to Shoulder’ Positioning
– Integrated Ambidextrous QD Quick Detach Swivel Rear Sling Connectors
– Fits Perfectly on Both Mil-Spec and Aftermarket Commercial Tubes
– Made from Mil-Spec Reinforced Polymer Composite
– Note:Technical Specifications:Weight with Magazine
No idea on price just yet but they should be available soon. I’m sure they’ll start releasing more details in the coming weeks. Until then, you can check out this and the rest of the products over at FAB-Defense.com.
**Update** – After the article was published I received some additional info from Addy Sandler, CEO of The Mako Group. He said “The product is available and we at The Mako Group will receive the first shipment mid next week. It is available in 3 colors – Black, OD Green and Desert Tan. The stock already comes with a 10rd AR15 Polymer mag. MSRP for the stock is: $122.40 with MAP at $108.65.“
I found that you can already order this stock at TheMakoGroup.com