Aug 14, 2012 | Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Fine Tuning, Hand Guard, News, Rail Attachments, Rail System, Sneak Peek, Tactical Gear, TAREINCO
Just wanted to give you guys a sneak peek at a really awesome new product my buddy Mark at TAREINCO is starting to produce. He does some awesome Tactical Nylon work and this latest project is pretty sweet. Most of us have had experience with Tactical Lights and the...
Aug 29, 2011 | Facebook Giveaway, Impact Weapons Components (IWC), News, Strike Industries, TAREINCO
This giveaway was a ton of fun. I love seeing so many people get involved and excited about the opportunity to win a TAREINCO VTP Sling and a Strike Industries Trigger Guard. Usually we just pick a random winner from the entire group of fans (1,550+) but I think...
Aug 26, 2011 | $1 - $100, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Impact Weapons Components (IWC), News, Product Review, Sling Attachments, Slings, Tactical Gear, TAREINCO
A few weeks ago I was asked to do a quick review of the new VTP Sling by TAREINCO. Of course I’m always more than happy to check out any new piece of equipment. The owner of TAREINCO has partnered up with Impact Weapons Components to offer a top notch sling...