Feb 8, 2021 | $1 - $100, Accessories - NEW!!, Tools
Multitasker®, specialty makers of weaponcentric multitools, is proud to announce the latest addition to its product line: the patent pending NANO®, a small 1-pc tool intended for carbine optics adjustments. Barely larger than a soda can flip tab, the NANO combines...
Aug 8, 2012 | **On A Budget!**, $1 - $100, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Armorers Wrench, Gem State Armory, Maintenance/Cleaning Tool, News, Product Review, Tools
I’ve built quite a few rifles lately for myself or friends and have found myself wondering why every Armorers Wrench I’ve tried had been junk so I started looking around for the king of all armorers wrenches. With the popularity of building AR’s...
Apr 27, 2012 | $101 - $150, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Maintenance/Cleaning Tool, Multitasker Tools, News, Press Release!!, Tool Kits, Tools
You know how much Multitasker Tools likes you AR15News readers? Enough to give you an exclusive sneak peek at their super popular Multitasker Series 2x with the soon to be released Tan G-10 handles. This is a nice contrast to their usual black handles. Shane sent...
Apr 25, 2012 | Ambidextrous Stuff, American Made, Battle Arms Development, Battle Proven Products, News, Press Release!!, Tools
I’ve been working closely with Battle Arms Development since the inception of AR15News.com and they are one of very few companies that make products that I don’t look at as optional accessories. Every single AR-15 that I build starts with one of their...
Jan 12, 2012 | $1 - $100, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Gerber Military Gear, Maintenance/Cleaning Tool, News, Press Release!!, SHOT Show 2012, Sneak Peek, Tools
Here’s a quick look at the updated version of the current Gerber Military MP600 multi tool that Gerber Military will be showing at SHOT Show. Looks like a really nice tool with tons of features. The main updated feature of the new MP600 ST is the addition of a...
Jan 3, 2012 | .308/7.62, **On A Budget!**, $1 - $100, Accessories - NEW!!, American Made, Maintenance/Cleaning Tool, Tactical Gear, Tool Kits, Tools
A while back we showed you guys a really innovative weapon maintenance tool called the CAT-M4 which was designed for the cleaning of the AR-15/M4 bolt carrier group. At that time many of you one-uppers 🙂 had asked if they made one for 7.62 AR’s. Well, recently...